This FREE ebook is a compilation of workable advice by HR professionals with over 10 years’ experience in the field of Human Resources Management (HRM). It contains timeless advice by 5 seasoned HR experts, who are passionate about helping beginners and experienced professionals start and progress in their careers. Scroll down to learn more...
This FREE ebook is a compilation of workable advice by HR professionals with over 10 years’ experience in their respective fields and industries. It contains timeless advice by 5 seasoned HR experts, who are passionate about helping beginners and experienced professionals start and progress in their careers.
The material covers topics such as job searching strategies, CV/Resume writing, best way to prepare for job interviews and many others.
Apart from the fact that the contributors are experienced professionals in their human resources management, they’ve also been in the position of job searching too. During the course of their careers, they’ve seen the pitfalls, the mistakes and areas of improvement in job seekers (starters, and those intending to switch jobs).
Motivated by deep desire to help these job seekers succeed, they’ve offered to contribute their knowledge from their wealth of years of experience.
You will definitely find this material helpful for your next career move!