Before you start any task, ensure that you are clear about the desired result and the action steps to be taken. Gaining clarity from the start helps you to easily measure your performance and progress level. If you are team leader, help your subordinates gain clarity on what you expect from them.
Develop the habit of breaking tasks or goals down into smaller bits. Understand that every major goal or assignment is composed of smaller units that can be handled easier and faster. Breaking tasks down into smaller parts aids your understanding of what is to be done and how much time is required to complete. If the task is looking too big, Break it down.
You can develop the habit of always delivering assignments before they are due by creating a sense of urgency within you. Push yourself to work faster and better than you are expected to, create false deadlines for yourself and develop a reputation for delivering tasks before their due dates.
Looking for documents, materials or tools when you need them can be a waste of your time. Learn to keep your stuff well-arranged and easily accessible. You may label your cabinet to make searching for materials easy, your table should be as free and neat as possible every time. Doing these alone can greatly reduce time spent searching for items and increase your productivity.
When you get stuck trying to get through a task at work, do not be too proud to ask someone who has done it well in the past. Some people feel that asking for help is an indication of weakness, it isn’t. Rather it shows that you are not perfect, instead of staying stuck on a task because of your ignorance ASK for help.
Obaro Aziza is an HR professional with specialties in Learning and Development, Training Facilitation, Talent Acquisition, Business Partnering, Performance Management, Talent Management, HR and Business Consulting, Business Development, Strategy, Business Analysis, Business writing.
You can reach him on LinkedIn here.